Friday, April 3, 2009

Jezebel, Donuts, Traveling: My Three Loves in One Post

Sadie Stein, one of the editors over at Jezebel (my true love!), was featured on the travel-enthusiast site Jauntsetter last week. (Read the original article here.)

What does this have to do with food you ask? Well, Sadie wrote several guest posts, one of which was about eating on the road, and it’s worth checking out. In it, she writes about some of her favorite restaurants and food destinations, as well as online food resources—like Roadfood, which she calls “the ultimate source for time-warp dining.”

And…this is my favorite part:

“I’m a sucker for a good donut and will travel miles for one.”

Yes! A woman after my own heart.

Now, after daydreaming about donuts and traveling while trolling around the Jauntsetter site, I’m officially obsessed with taking a tropical vacation to Costa Rica this summer. It’s infinitely more likely that I’ll sit at home eating an entire box of soggy donuts from the A&P instead.


Unknown said...

Derek is leaving for Costa Rica Saturday. Oh and maybe if we leave Saturday morning instead of Friday night we can bring Donut Hole donuts with us to Dallas.

Blair said...

Be careful mentioning the Donut Hole around Kirby. If she hears you say that, then you won't get out of Arkansas without making a stop there.

And I couldn't remember if that's where Derek was going or not. I knew it sounded close...I'll probably end up settling for Florida instead. Whatever. Just give me a warm, sunny beach and I'll be happy!