This is why you’re fat showcases pictures of disgusting, yet glorious (to some) concoctions that could clog the healthiest of arteries and add instantaneous pounds the thinnest backside. I must admit…I kind of love it, and I kind of hate it.
For instance, my sweet tooth and inner 8-year-old are telling me that the candy pizza is the stuff of dreams.
And my love of donuts in well documented, so I obviously wouldn’t turn away this “Behemoth Glazed Donut.”
A giant burger sandwiched between two bacon pizzas. (FYI, bacon and corn dogs/hot dogs and burgers are featured frequently on the blog. Hmmm…I wonder why?)
Yes, that’s a Sloppy Joe on a Krispy Kreme. For shame!
So, if you’re a glutton (heh.) for guilt and heart-attack inducing food, then perhaps this site is for you. But if you decide to try any of these fine dishes at home, please don’t tell me about it. I don’t think I could handle it.
Those last two are disgusting!
I concur with Court.
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